Wednesday, November 7, 2012

benefits petai


Pete, petai, peteh, or scientifically been known by the name of Parkia Speciosa, constituting tropical annual tree of polong polongan's type (Fabaceae) . This plant is widespread at west sectioned Archipelago. Its seed, the so called “ petai ” also, consumed while still young, well fresh and also stewed.

pete's tree chronic, high gets to reach 20m and less branching. Its leaf is composite, lap over equal. Compound interest, lap over in excrescence (Mimosoidae Is typical). Emerging flower usually at elbow stick tip. Its fruit is big, memanjang. Of one excrescence gets to be found until teens numbers. In one numbers available until 20 seeds, one that green chromatic while young and most bounds up by slightly membrane thick tan colored bright. Numbers petai that ran dry will if cook and release its wedge.

petai seed, one that smelly typical and rather kindred with pithecolobium, consumed fresh and also made by mixture material a number menu.  
Pete in comparison with apple have protein 4 more times a lot of, a lot of more two-time carbohydrate, phosphorus treble, Vitamin fivefold A and iron substance, and twofold total vitamin and another mineral. After experience clinical quiz at labolatorium apparently Indonesian typical fruit it contains protein and high enough fat even its protein content overbids than tempe.

Severally Fruit Benefit

According to which survey
done by MIND
between patient patient
depressions, there are many person
perceive better after eating petai. It happens
since petai contains
tryptophan, a sort
protein that changed by body
as serotonin. This is
one that will make relaxing, fixing mood and
in common makes
happier someone.

PMS (premenstrual
If experiences PMS while ‘
guest ‘ coming, you ga
need this pill drink
or even that, adequately settles by petai eating.
B6's vitamin that
contained by pete manages
blood sugar rate, one that
can help mood.

With iron substance content
one that tall, pete can
menstimulasi is cell production
blood and
help if anemia happening.

High blood pressure
Numbers this unique tropic really
potassium high, but
salt low, so
really perfect for
embattle is blood pressure. So in height,
so FDA IS America
conceding plantation
petai to do
claim officiating to hit
ability numbers this to down jeopardy
blood pressure and stroke.

Ability racks brains
200 students at Twickenham
 (Middlesex) helped
easily passes through test
on this year because
eating pete upon breakfast, rest, and
lunch. Riset have
prove that fruit
with potassium content
high gets to help
studying by helps student getting cagey.

Since fiber content
one that tall, therefore petai
will water down
normal returns action
digestion,help to settle about problem this
without has
return to laksativ..

Drunk doctor
One of the ways fastest
to cure
“disease ” drunk is
milkshake petai, one that
dulcified by honey. Pete will help
quieting belly and
with honey help will
increasing sugared rate
falling blood,
meanwhile milk will quiet and back
fixing liquid rate
in body. Besides of course
only since its odor that
arouse of drunk
icon big grin Pete and its Benefit!

Pete has antacid's effect
on body, so if
your chest feels heat
effect most
eating, try petai eating to reduce
its pain.

Bellyful in the morning
petai eating between the time of day
eating helps
keeping rate
sugar and avoiding

Mosquito bite
Before you reach for cream
mosquito bite, attempt
to rub region
one that strikes bite
with petai skinned interior. There are many successful person
settling itchiness and
lump in this way.

For nerve
Pete contains vitamin
B in large quantities,
so will help
quieting afferent system.

Research at Institute Of
Psychology is Austrian
find that pressure
upon job
causing person frequenting to reach for food that
quiet as
chocolate and flaky. With
look at 5.000 patients
at hospital, researcher
find that mostly become person
fat because pressure
tall job.

Gastric wound
Pete is utilized as
food to nurse
digestion because
texturnya that soft and
ground. Numbers this is the one only
numbers raw which can
eaten without
causing stress in
severally case which acute.
Numbers this can also counteract acid stomach
and reduces irritation
with coats surface
in stomach.

Managing body temperature
There are many other culture that
seeing petai as fruit ‘
cold ‘ one can
downing body temperature
and mother emotion that wait for new baby its child.
In Dutch e.g., mother
pregnancy will eat petai
to make sure that the
baby comes into the world with temperature
are not tall.

Pete can help person
one that wants stop
smoke. B6's vitamin and
B12 who be contained,
stand up with potassium and magnesium, help
fast body gets over
nicotine stop effect

Potassium is mineral
essential, one that helps
to normal beat
heart, transfer
oxygen goes to rack brains and manages balance
body fluid. While is we
stress, speed
metabolite we will
worked up, so will
reducing potassium rate in body. It can
balanced again with
help eats petai that
potassium high.

According to reset in “ The
New England Journal of
Medicine, ” petai eating
as part of food
everyday will down jeopardy
death because stroke
until 40%.

dog flea
They that fond
turning away on cure
nature will brave
swearing, if you
want deadening, dog flea therefore petai rasher takings,
and places at dog flea that.
Regular keeps petai that
by use of
Pete can help sufferer SAD because
be pregnant booster
mood experiences, tryptophan. 

Recipe to cook petai
Here a tangy gastronomic that I would like to share with you...I bet you are eager enough to know what ingredient it needs to make this lip smacking good dish…
  1. 12 prawn, cleaned and peeled
  2. 150g dried shrimp, soaked and minced
  3. 8 fresh chilies, crushed.
  4. 5 cloves garlic, crushed
  5. 200g petai bean
  6. salt to taste
  7. 4 red shallots, crushed.
  8. 1 tbsp sugar
  9. 1 tbsp lime juice
  10. cooking oil
Ok, five minutes, just five minutes, with these simple steps shown below you can make this great dish at home with just five minutes…
  1. Heat up a pan or wok with oil, and fry the crushed garlic and red shallots till fragrant.
  2. Add in the crushed chilies and minced dried shrimp, stir fry till fragrant.
  3. Put in the petai bean and prawns, stir fry for 2 minutes or till prawns are fully cooked.
  4. Add in sugar and enough salt, stir fry till mixed well.
  5. Off the fire, add in lime juice, served with steamed rice.
So, it’s done! Five minutes time! Yummy!
Here a tangy gastronomic that I would like to share with you...I bet you are eager enough to know what ingredient it needs to make this lip smacking good dish…

  1. 12 prawn, cleaned and peeled
  2. 150g dried shrimp, soaked and minced
  3. 8 fresh chilies, crushed.
  4. 5 cloves garlic, crushed
  5. 200g petai bean
  6. salt to taste
  7. 4 red shallots, crushed.
  8. 1 tbsp sugar
  9. 1 tbsp lime juice
  10. cooking oil
Ok, five minutes, just five minutes, with these simple steps shown below you can make this great dish at home with just five minutes…
  1. Heat up a pan or wok with oil, and fry the crushed garlic and red shallots till fragrant.Add in the crushed chilies and minced dried shrimp, stir fry till fragrant.Put in the petai bean and prawns, stir fry for 2 minutes or till prawns are fully cooked.Add in sugar and enough salt, stir fry till mixed well.Off the fire, add in lime juice, served with steamed rice.
So, it’s done! Five minutes time! Yummy!

-benefit jackfruit 

1 comment:

  1. I have a different recipe for petai...petai beans, fresh prawn, garlic, big yellow onion, tomato, green chili (diced), thai red chili (shrimp flavor crush chili), yogurt, mustard, cilantro, (for garnish) salt.
